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Friday, June 5, 2009

Anita Whittle

My week with Anita and Hilton Whittle in the more developed and touristy area near the capital city of Banjul was a welcome relief from the discomforts of African life and I have been amazed by the kindness and generosity that they have shown to me and all of the less fortunate Gambian around them.

            As the friends of natural dyers/batik artists Isabella Whitworth and Jenny Balfour-Paul whom I met in the UK, Anita is also a skilled and knowledgeable textile artist who is helping me tremendously in my research here. Her research into the kola nut dye has been the most interesting of all and it has been incredible to learn all about this rare dye that is only used these parts of West Africa. The brilliant orange hues it creates and lack of heat makes it perfect for the batik medium and I can’t wait to explore it further!

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